2016-17 國際扶輪社長 九 月份 文告
敬愛的扶輪社友, |
1917 年夏天,美國參加第一次世界大戰僅幾個月,扶輪在亞特蘭大舉行第八屆年會。雖然當時許多扶輪社員以為年會應該會取消,理事會最後同意保羅•哈理斯之主張,年會應該照規劃舉行。在如此不安及恐懼中,哈理斯在年會致詞寫下了幾句扶輪最常被引用的句子。 |
雖然個人努力如果運用得宜,也能大有成就,但至善必然來自許多人的合作努力。個人努力或許能照顧個人需求,但合作努力應致力於服務人類。合作努力能發揮出的力量是無窮盡的。 |
就在這屆國際年會,當時的社長阿奇柯藍夫提議成立扶輪捐獻基金(Rotary Endowment fund),以「行善天下」,這再合適也不過了。合作努力的力量增添一股新力量之後,如虎添翼,這個新力量是:資源整合。這兩者的結合已證明無法阻擋,過去 100 年來扶輪許多工作都有賴於二者之結合。今天,很難想像沒有基金會的扶輪會是怎樣。扶輪基金會把扶輪從一個地方性的社團組織,轉變成行善的國際力量,有能力去改變世界。
在這個扶輪年度,我們將在扶輪基金會創立的城市亞特蘭大舉行百週年慶。第 108 屆國際扶輪年會保證將是最令人興奮的一屆,屆時將有激勵人心的演講人、一流的娛樂節目、以及各式各樣的分組會議,來協助您推動扶輪服務。當然,我們將以很有格調的方式來慶祝基金會百週年。
不論您經常參加國際年會、或已有數年未參加、或尚未參加過,2017 年國際年會將是您不想錯過的一個國際年會。亞特蘭大有美食、親切的市民、還有當地許多吸引人的特色,本身就是一個非常值得造訪的城市。但是參加國際年會的真正理由一定是國際年會本身,以及您在國際年會接觸到的人、觀念、靈感。如要進一步了解,並節省註冊費,請到 www.riconvention.org。我們亞特蘭大見!
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in Sepetember 2016 |
In the summer of 1917, only a few months after the United States entered the first world war, Rotary held its eighth annual convention in Atlanta. Although many Rotarians at the time thought the convention should be canceled, the Board of Directors ultimately agreed with Paul Harris that it should continue as planned. In the midst of such uncertainty and fear, Harris penned, as part of his convention greeting, some of the most-quoted words in Rotary:
Individual effort when well directed can accomplish much, but the greatest good must necessarily come from the combined efforts of many men. Individual effort may be turned to individual needs but combined effort should be dedicated to the service of mankind. The power of combined effort knows no limitation.
Fittingly, it was at this convention that then-President Arch C. Klumph proposed a Rotary endowment fund “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” The power of combined effort was joined by a new power: that of combined resources. It was a combination that has proved unstoppable and has been behind so much of Rotary’s work for the last 100 years. Today, it is difficult to imagine Rotary without its Foundation. It was the Foundation that turned Rotary from an organization of local clubs into an international force for good with the power to change the world.
In this Rotary year, we are marking the centennial of our Rotary Foundation in the city where it all began: Atlanta. Our 108th Rotary International Convention promises to be one of the most exciting yet, with inspiring speakers, great entertainment, and a wide array of breakout sessions to help you move your Rotary service forward. And of course, we’ll be celebrating the Foundation’s centennial in style.
Whether you’re a regular convention goer, haven’t been to one in a few years, or haven’t yet attended your first, the 2017 convention will be the one you won’t want to miss. Atlanta is a great destination in its own right, with great food, friendly people, and many local attractions to enjoy. But the real reason to come to the convention is always the convention itself, and the people, ideas, inspiration, and friendship you’ll find there. To learn more, and save money on registration, visit www.riconvention.org. See you in Atlanta!
I’m the president of Rotary International, but the only club I can invite someone to join is the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tenn. I can’t make your club or your community stronger. Only you can do that – by inviting the qualified people you know to join you in Rotary Serving Humanity.